Tuesday, January 9, 2007

The Cheap Shot

If I were Dennis DesRosiers, I would file a Press Council complaint!

I read a definition of "Cheap shot" as "an unnecessarily aggressive and unfair remark directed at a defenseless person."

What else can one call Gord Henderson's comment in his Tuesday column respecting DesRosier. After effectively acknowledging everything that Dennis said in the past was true about the economic woes of Windsor, Gord ended up with this line:
  • "If so, it can't come fast enough for readers who've reminded me, in the wake of a New Year's "glass half full" column, that as many as 2,000 high-paying Windsor automotive jobs will disappear in a "summer of lost jobs" that will, in their view, have auto analyst Dennis DesRosiers "wringing his hands in glee at the continued suffering of his hometown."

I wonder who those anonymous people are. Don't they have the guts to make their names known? If not, why quote their nasty remarks?

I'll let Dennis defend himself if he chooses to do so. However, I have gotten to know Dennis over the last year or so because of this BLOG. While he and I may differ on some things (and he likes to rub it in about E C Row in particular), there is no doubt in my mind that he wants Windsor to succeed and is a good part of the success of certain institutions in this City!

I'll let Gord do the research for the money and jobs that Dennis has helped bring into Windsor with his contacts in the auto industry. I'll let Gord interview members of the University of Windsor Board to find out what Dennis has done there to make that instituion financially viable. I'll let Gord talk to some City politicians to ask them how Dennis offered to provide his services at no cost to the City to help to develop a new auto strategy for Windsor at this most difficult time for our City.

All I know is that Henderson owes him and Star readers an apology!

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