Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Is A New Caesars Windsor Expansion Planned

Rumour has it that there is talk that when the new operators take over, they will expand the Casino dramatically again!

They have to. There are so many things to bet on in Windsor that the Sports Bar needs new space, a whole new wing perhaps! Here are a few obvious examples:
  • when will Eddie announce that he is running provincially or federally
  • for which party
  • if Eddie chooses not to run which big Toronto law firm will he work for
  • who will be our new appointed mayor
  • will the Ambassador Bridge finish its new enhancement project before the DRIC bridge is even started
  • when will DRTP officially close its doors
  • will Project Ice Track or the East end arena be built first
  • will the Penguins move to Tecumseh?

But the heavy betting today, if it were allowed, is whether City Council will help save the Capitol Theatre on Monday.

Just as in NFL betting, there are sites that give you all kinds of information that will help you pick the winners for the games by giving you the inside scoop and tips, I am going to do the same today for Capitol betting.

The first big hint, the City's website. Normally reports are attached to agenda items that can be viewed by opening up a PDF file. In this way a delegation knows what is being proposed and can prepare arguments for and against. But not for the Capitol.

Here is what the City website says:

  • "Item -- Capitol Theatre - Request to Transition (available on Supplementary Agenda)"

In other words, it is not going to be posted! Why bother speaking as a delegation if one does not know what is going to be proposed except in the last minute. Obviously then, most of the delegations will speak in favour of the Capitol!

But here is the big give-away as to what will happen, an email from the Arts Council - Windsor & Region that I received:

  • "Looking Forward: Windsor's Future in a Changing World

    What is our place in the global economy? What must we do to attract new business and industry?

    Mayor Eddie Francis will host a thought provoking and inspiring evening with Diane Francis and Glen Murray.

    Diane Francis, broadcaster, best-selling author and editor at large for the National Post, advises several corporations about the pitfalls and opportunities facing Canadian businesses in the global economy. She skillfully interprets the impact of national and international events on the business community.

    Glen Murray, urban strategist, consultant with AuthentiCity and Chair of the National Roundtable on the Environment and the Economy, works with businesses and governments. He will show how strengthening the links between the arts, culture and the economy enhances our creativity and quality of life, creating a more attractive city and urban wealth.

    Together they will discuss our strengths and weaknesses and suggest how to secure a stronger presence in the national and global economies.

    Thursday, March 8, 2007
    7:00 p.m.-10 p.m.
    6:30 reception

    Capitol Theatre, 121 University Avenue West
    Tickets $10, available from the theatre box office, 519-253-7729

    For more information dial 311 or email at 311@city.windsor.on.ca"
Now seriously, do you really think that the Mayor would have these big shooters from Toronto come to the Capitol Theatre if it is going to be closed down. Get real...do you think he wants to be booed and jeered by Arts types in front of out-of-towners? Naaaaaaaaw, he has to be introduced as the saviour of the Arts in Windsor.

Bet on it!

Just to give you some more hot tips for your betting pleasure, don't you think that this is a weird session anyway. It costs us $10 to learn about our future? And why would the Mayor merely be an MC of the session? Didn't we have a world-class guru brought in by the City at no cost to taxpayers before?

Let's see....Diane Francis journalist, small "c" conservative in Canada, author, Editor-at-Large for the National Post, well-known in Toronto having worked for the Toronto Star, Toronto Sun and Macleans as well.

Glen Murray, from Toronto, Ontario, "is a partner at Navigator Limited as well as a Visiting Scholar & Urban Policy Coordinator at the University of Toronto. He is former Mayor of Winnipeg, best known for his vision to build culturally dynamic urban centres."

Interesting, wasn't Navigator a firm that provided advice to the City during the border issue. And part of the "strategy" for Navigator is AuthentiCity.

Hmmm strong Toronto connection, strategic firm known to the Mayor, good publicity in Windsor and elsewhere about Eddie's forward thinking...bet on a Provincial cabinet position too for our Eddie!

PS. Remember how bad Eddie's meeting planners were. I think they messed up again.

Was Eddie scooped by another small town in Ontario?

If you just cannot wait to hear Glen Murray in March, he will be speaking on "AUTHENTICITY, CREATING URBAN WEALTH" in Chatham on January 24. I guess he must have a standard "urban wealth" speech that he uses. Cost is $35 but you get a continental breakfast, a networking coffee break, hot lunch, not just a cheapo reception for $10.

PPS....One other thought----AuthentiCity, SimpliCity Hmmmmm I wonder.

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