Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Read But NOT In The Windsor Star

It eventually made the online edition of the Windsor Star but not the newspaper this morning that I could find. Here is what a reader wrote to me this morning and a copy of part of the story. You can read the entire story at http://www.canada.com/nationalpost/news/story.html?id=d46d8160-543d-4529-8406-1342de00cfad&k=85287 :
  • "Good morning Ed. I realize this is way "off track" regarding your blog BUT I, as you, are totally sceptical of the Windsor Star and its approach to local issues. You no doubt have read the series of stories this past week written by Doug Schmidt about the Lorie Dupont murder at Hotel Dieu. Take a peek at page two of the National Post today. There is a full page article regarding a Mass to be held tomorrow at the hospital chapel in rememberance of Dr.Marc Daniel. This article appears to be written be someone whose name I am not familiar with locally.

    I am not siding one way or the other regarding the forthcoming mass tomorrow but it sure is shocking to note that none of this came forth locally in the Windsor Star but had to come from a national newspaper...

    My scepticism continues!"
Siri Agrell, National Post
Published: Tuesday, November 14, 2006

For the past year, the chapel at Hotel-Dieu Grace Hospital in Windsor has been a place where doctors, nurses and other staff could go to discuss their pain, anger and grief at the murder of nurse Lori Dupont.

But at 11:30 a.m. tomorrow, employees will be invited there for a Mass in memory of Dr. Marc Daniel...

The killing devastated hospital staff and brought to light troubling issues about security and the danger women face at the hands of abusive former partners.

Marking the anniversary of Dr. Daniel's passing, then, is not without controversy in Windsor, a city still grieving and angry.

But a hospital administrator said yesterday that the Mass for the repose of his soul was planned in response to staff requests.

"We're a faith-based hospital, so as a Christian-based hospital it's important that we act in a Christian way," said Kim Spirou, vice-president of communications for Hotel-Dieu...

Anne Forrest...described the hospital's decision to hold a memorial for Dr. Daniel as "a bit jarring..."

The service could be especially difficult for the man who will lead it, Father Christopher Bourdeau, the hospital chaplain who knew both Ms. Dupont and Dr. Daniel.

"One of the Catholic traditions during the month of November is to pray for our deceased loved ones and friends," said Father Bourdeau, "and it's not only for the repose of Marc's soul but also for the living, for his family and for the colleagues and doctors here who knew him before he committed this terrible act..."

Father Bourdeau said he was sure it will be an emotional service for everyone."

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