Thursday, November 2, 2006

More Inside City Hall Stuff

The stories keep rolling in:

  1. Is Sandra desperate for Eddie's help as Gord Henderson suggested (hardly since she is the one responsible for bringing the "high-tech" jobs here) or is Eddie desperate for Sandra's help as her two photos on his website seem to demonstrate

  2. Why is Eddie Francis chickening out? When will Eddie ("Perry Mason") Francis debate Dr. Dave (Wonham) on Windsor election issues or is he afraid to be cross-examined on his less than stellar 3-year performance? Eddie can dish it out but cannot take it as the episode with Alan MacKinnon at the Windsor Council meeting in Tecumseh demonstrated. It's a lot tougher being an incumbent with a record to justify isn't it.

  3. Why won't Eddie tell us in his election brochure that our long term debt is projected to be by 2007--$217 million ($56 M higher than now) and by 2010--$191 million ($30M higher than now) and that does not include the $206 million employee future benefit obligation (as at 2004).

  4. How many times is "Schwartz" mentioned on Eddie's website (If you go there to count, let him know that this BLOG sent you there)

  5. Which mayoral candidate who has been Mayor for 3 years and is so supportive of the environment did not answer the questionnaire of the Citizens Environmental alliance. To read other candidate responses go to

  6. Yikes...should we trust anything that Administration estimates. The funky bus teminal costs increased by 35% and Administration seemed to fail to grasp that. Now Councillor Halberstadt warns us that the downtown streetscaping costs have tripled in only 3 years. My goodness, what will the arena really cost. We won't know though, confidentiality for business interests, solicitor-client privilege, and in camera secrecy will all be trotted out somehow to keep the real news from us until after the election, if ever. The typical Danish professor "mega-project" syndrome at work

  7. Who on Council is known affectionately as "Glass Jaw"

  8. Will Council ask their new Public Works head, Dev Tyagi, to do a report on why Sarnia built a twinned bridge and not one downriver as was proposed there (as well as in Windsor)? Probably not, since they will not like his answer even though I thought he was familiar with what was decided at the Blue Water bridge and why. I guess he just has to carry out Council's directives

  9. Oh my goodness, is Dennis DesRosiers right about how to make Windsor's auto future brighter (Area's research image growing.. Climbing ranks in national survey...Windsor's reputation for innovation is growing, a leading automotive expert said Tuesday, as indicated by a new survey ranking the city among the top in Canada for research)

  10. Which member of the Windsor-Essex Development Commission Board is married to an Ontario PC party insider

  11. Is that insider the one who courted Eddie before for Ernie Eves and is that person doing so again for the next election for John Tory or is Tory working directly with Eddie's Eminence Grise

  12. Which member of the Windsor-Essex Development Commission Board is married to someone with close connections to the Spitfires

  13. If Susan Whelan won't run in the next election, who is being talked about as being the Liberal nominee and with whom on the Board is he related to?

  14. Which Councillors are being rumoured to be thinking about running for the 3 main parties for Joe Comartin's seat if he retires. Will it be a mini-municipal election?

  15. Which member of the Windsor-Essex Development Commission Board is being considered for a political job and probably a senior cabinet position if he/she chooses to run

  16. How much is the "sizeable amount of money to be spent on legal fees" with David Estrin and who are the "enemies."

  17. Which member of the Windsor-Essex Development Commission Board has website which has been "Coming soon" (just like Eddie's until the other day) since it was created on Sep 24, 2004

  18. What companies which are rumoured to have an agreement at Canderel and an agreement at the East End arena have a person in common and who is he/she?

  19. Is the Windsor-Essex Development Commission Board Windsor's Senate?

As an aside, David Wonham told me that his daily hits (which were fairly constant per day) increased significantly after the brief mention I gave his website the other day. Yuppers, he owns it not the City. I wonder what will happen after this second mention.

Hmmm what this means to me is that my BLOGs are being read by a lot more people that I ever suspected. Obviously, the BLOGS are being forwarded by people to those on their own mailing lists who never come to my BLOGsite for a "hit" to register.

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