Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Eddie in Ottawa

Rumour has it that our Mayor will be going to Ottawa in 2 weeks to appear in front of the Senate.

Contrary to what some may think, he is NOT going there to learn lessons about how to appoint people to cushy positions like the Windsor-Essex Economic Development Commission chaired (as the Windsor Star told us in its Editorial on Saturday) by former Ontario cabinet minister Remo Mancini.

Instead, he is going to Ottawa for the Senate hearings on Bill C-3. Now you may understand why the Star wrote the story headlined by "Ex-bridge exec against twinning" When I saw that I thought immediately that Mancini had changed positions! Mancini used to work for the Bridge Co. but the Star seemed to have forgotten that it would appear.

Expect Eddie to talk about certain issues raised by Roy Lancaster (strange that Ross Clarke did not give the interview, but then again, he was not the former President!) and to justify what he is saying based on the Star story!

What good luck that Roy gave this interview just before Eddie's big day.

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