Tuesday, April 11, 2006

The Mayor And The Governor

I was listening on the car radio today to WWJ (NO I am not that angry at CKLW but I am getting there.)

They reported on the latest poll for the election of the Governor in Michigan. For the second month in a row, the percentages were virtually identical. 43%-43% this month and 43%-41% in the Governor's
favour over Dick DeVos previously..

What the most interesting part to me was the analysis which said that people in Detroit are sitting on their hands and not making a move for the Governor. It would mean that come the end of the election, the Governor may be defeated and would have to depend on her hubby's income from clients like the dysfunctional Windsor Council.

It means again, that Kwame may be, for the time being at least, the most powerful politician right now in Michigan. Just remember what the Mayor wrote on the border and watch how Windsor is treated!

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