Thursday, April 27, 2006

Get Eddie To Grovel

Coun. Fulvio Valentinis seems to ask two perpetual questions:
  1. "why Windsor is being overlooked by senior levels of government while tens of millions of dollars in infrastructure grants are being doled out to nearby municipalities."
  2. why won't the DRIC people listen to Windsor

DUH---it's the Snub, already!

He knows the answer as well as we do but he cannot admit that in public as Jo-anne Gignac refused to do as well on Face-to-Face. Until they can get Eddie to get off his high horse and grovel, we are going to be shut out.

Fulvio should know by now because of his political connections that the Senior Levels want their pound of flesh out of Eddie. And who really is suffering: WINDSOR!

And then to top it off Councillor Budget wants to win friends and influence people by threatening litigation to tie up the border plan in the courts if route concerns are not addressed. Council and the Mayor know or ought to know how the Senior Levels can deal with that by the stroke of a pen. Unbelievable!

You know the famous movie line from Lauren Bacall "You know how to whistle, don't you? You just pucker your lips and blow."

In the Windsor context the question is "You know how to grovel, don't you?" I'll let the Councillor tell Eddie the answer. Someone better and quickly!

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