Wednesday, April 12, 2006

An Icy Relationship

The Councillor who asked why no one listens to Windsor said it properly. Councillor Valentinis said "You hear about the pace of glaciers moving. This has become slower than glaciers."

The "this" is the $50-million underpass construction project that is expected to close Walker Road for two years has been delayed once again.

The project's original plans called for the road to close in January 2005, meaning the latest delay puts it two years behind schedule."

According to the Star, "The project has been slowed by haggling over property compensation, red tape and political negotiations between the city and senior governments."

Well I wondered how many other City programs were delayed or took forever to do or cost extra to do "on time." I said before there just does not seem to be a sense of urgency about anything. Here are some:

  • Tunnel plaza---about 18 months delayed
  • Youth study--to take about 8 months
  • Bus terminal---was supposed to be ready for Super Bowl and just starting now
  • Taxi report---2 years in the making
  • Economic development report---18 months or more being prepared
  • Enwin problem report---who knows when
  • Urban village---no RFP yet
  • Consultants' report on the Summer border minutes--9 months and waiting
  • Arena---who knows when
  • Citistat---2 1/2 year delay
  • Estrin/Schwartz/consultants fees---still waiting
  • Border solution---Oh my goodness
  • Canderel---2 1/2 years and not yet done
  • Huron Church Overpass---on time but at a premium of over $400K

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