Saturday, March 27, 2010

Is A Boycott Summer Fest Facebook Page Next

I wonder if the Facebook group "Keep Windsor's Summerfest at the Riverfront!" will now morph into one called "Boycott Summerfest at the WFCU parking lot."

Since the City owns the site, and if people get mad enough, it might be shortened to "Boycott WFCU" since this looks like nothing more than a money-grab to make the failing arena white elephant look profitable if Edgar (aka Eddie) runs for Mayor again.

Is that what this means
  • "I don't like the decision," said Sleiman, who hopes to spearhead other events downtown.

    "I beg everyone in the downtown area and in the west end to not go to that carnival."

That might be an interesting idea since you know Summer Fest will not be coming back otherwise. As was written previously:

  • "Durocher said she would like Summer Fest -- which attracts 90,000 people over its three-week run -- to return to its old riverfront location next year. But she admits that decision depends on how well the carnival fares at the WFCU Centre.

    "If it goes to the WFCU and it's a monumental success, it would not only be our decision, it would also be the choice of World's Finest Shows," she said. "Wherever we go, if there's more return on investment, that's where they're going to want to go."

Wow, I wonder how many downtown restauranteurs will get upset, from one-star ones to five-star ones since a lot of business would be taken away. Or will they be convinced to be quiet since there might be other goodies they will be promised say, like an urban village again.

Or, I got it, how about a canal???!!!!

How about trotting that boondoggle out already. Why it's the salvation for the downtown isn't it and just before the election too. That mind's eye vision has been too quiet for too long. What a perfect set-up for the Mayor who can set up meetings all summer for citizen conversation about a canal. Consultation he can call it like the ones he did NOT have for daycare.

Of course, if the Mayor runs, he needs the downtown voters since they can be galvanized to come out to vote so he weasel-words Summer Fest:

  • "But Mayor Eddie Francis, parks and recreation representatives, and Barry Jamieson, president of World's Finest Shows, all said that the move is likely only for this year -- and only makes sense."

"Likely" is the word which he can use after the election when he says it will never come back downtown.

Think I am kidding, here is what Ms Durocher said to back off what she said before, to be more politically correct:

  • "In any case, Durocher said she hopes Summer Fest will return downtown next year"

No commitment there to come back. Just a "hope."

And why would it? Look at all the money it will make for the WFCU and the parking lot owner next door and the people who can sell booze there:

  • "She said for this year, Summer Fest will offer a lot more than just a midway at the WFCU Centre. She's hoping to bring in a BMX competition to augment lots of stage entertainment, vendors, buskers, and possibly another big event.

    Furthermore, the WFCU Centre, she said, may well choose to open up a licensed terrace during the festival.

    "It's not just going to be a midway in a parking lot," she said. "There's going to be lots to do."

And this silliness about

  • "The organizer of the popular Summer Fest said Friday that after reviewing all the options, the decision is now final: the annual Windsor tradition will move to the WFCU Centre this year to avoid riverfront construction.

    "We spent all morning at parks and rec," Maggie Durocher, president of Windsor Parade Corporation which stages the event, said after meeting with city officials for almost three hours. "We went through a map, we went through every possible venue that is available to the city, looking for alternatives, looking for a way to keep it downtown. But there is nothing that works."

Pure window-dressing to pretend that something was being considered

  • "Maggie Durocher, executive director of the not-for-profit Windsor Parade Corporation, which runs Summer Fest, said the idea to move came from Windsor's parks and recreation department late last year."

They had months to figure out alternatives.

Folks, it was a done deal. The decision was made and nothing was going to change it, not even citizen protests.

Come on people, you forgot. Mr Farhi's land is our new DOWNTOWN! Gord told us that a loooooooooong time ago.

  • "I can see eventually 60 acres being developed ... the equivalent of an entire downtown," said Farhi.

Now you know he was not kidding. I do hope though that the "huge piles of twisted scrap steel next door to the WFCU Centre" will have been cleared up by then.

After all, if we need an event for the downtown to help the businesses prosper there and to have a family event where it should be and which is probably most convenient for the people who want to go there, you know now whom the Mayor favours:

  • "Mayor Eddie Francis said it's "bittersweet news" that the plant is being demolished. "My first priority would be to have a plant open and people working." But it's better, he agreed, to have redevelopment in the Lauzon/Tecumseh area than a padlocked plant. "You want activity. You want action," said Francis. "The entire Lauzon Road corridor is going to come to life again. This just adds to and complements the activity at the WFCU Centre. Shrewd investors are already picking up properties."

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