This is just the first of a variety of attacks to be launched by the Bridge Company I am sure to be met by Government counter-attacks. After all, they have been egging on the Bridge Company for years to sue. And, contrary to what the media will report, guess who is responsible for what is happening now:
Oh, no one told you this before. The media have never reported this. Gee I wonder why... perhaps because it does not fit with in the demonization campaign against Moroun. Smears and vilification are all we have heard.
Yuppers, the FIRA lawsuit was settled and now Canada wants to bring it on again but this time under the guise of using Bill C-3 which was specifically targetted to the Bridge Company. Remember I posted the other day about Canada retreating to get the Free Trade deal with the US by settling with Moroun and then starting over again.
There is the proof you needed. So much for Canada's solemn word. Now you may understand why the Bridge Company does not trust the word of Canadian officials.
You really ought to read the claim. While it is 48 pages, it is easy reading. And very enlightening. I have posted it here:
Again, you can read the media for the overview of what the lawsuit is about or read the claim for yourself. I just want to point out some mattters that may be of interest that you may not read elsewhere. They are small but very enlightening and will get you wondering about what you have been told over these so many years.
Treaty Rights
Have you heard about this before? It is NOT as simple as some would have you believe. .
Perhaps the UK should be added as a party to really confuse the Americans. The Queen would be added as the Queen of the UK as well as Queen of Canada. She would be wearing two hats, I mean Crowns
Forcing the Bridge Company out of buiness
Nice to see that my theory is true after all
Note the use of the term "Central Corridor." I would suggest that this language was deliberate. I also strongly urge the US Ambassador to Canada to have his staff do their homework better and check out what the US President through the State Department has said already about that corridor before he suggests that the Administration is behind DRIC.
Coast Guard Application rejection is not that simple
Oh some things we did not know about the Coast Guard and the Bridge application. Don't you wish the Coast Guard had mentioned this in their so-called rejection letter.
Doesn't FHWA remember this huge political matter of foreign control of US ports either
Can anyone other than Matty build a bridge between Windsor/Detroit
Now you know why Canada tried to force him out and now wants to buy him out.
Reading the Canadian statute, I think he is the only one who can build a bridge in this area. Even the Government cannot do so. The corridor belongs to him!
The State Department agrees with Matty
The US President says so and so does Canadian law
CUBA North
Oh my, is Canada grabbing US assets like certain Latin American jurisdictions. Is the so-called Conservative Harper Government bringing into action the left-wing policy of former PM, Pierre Trudeau?
Why didn't Canada buy the shares
Actually, Canda's desire to take over the bridge started long before Trudeau. So why didn't Canada buy up the shares for a song? They were available. Hmmm maybe there is some truth to this treaty stuff after all.
Can Matty just build his new bridge now
Matty is ready to go; DRIC has barely started
Consider the huge disruption needed in the US if DRIC is to be built especially in Delray where hundreds of families and businesses ha ve to be moved. Oh, Sandwich will not be wiped out either.
I bet Eddie, Dwight and Stephen do not know this
Oh my goodness, this has to be so embarrassing. The three Canadian Governments--Canada, Ontario and Windsor--supported what was to be accomplished by the Bridge Company. No wonder they felt comfortable spending a half a bilion dollars getting ready to build a second bridge only to be rebuffed! A decade of time and effort and money being wasted by Governments not living up to what they said. Can you imagine the size of the damages claim on cost of money alone!
How are the Governments going to explain that away? Talk about bad faith!
Oh there are so many other gems like this in the Complaint but I am sure that you get the picture.
Nothing at all is what we have been told by the Governments and their cheerleading sycophants. Nothing is what it appeared to be. We have been lied to and encouraged to hate! We have been denied information and seen millions of taxpayer dollars wasted.
It is enough to make one sick!
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