Thursday, September 24, 2009

If You Cannot Silence 'Em, Hire 'Em

I am hoping that I get a job offer soon too. With my luck, can you figure out in which Department it will be if I am right?

It looks like Blogger Chris Schnurr may not be BLOGGING any longer, at least about City Hall matters. It looks like he lucked out and has a new job in the Legal Department of City Hall.

You see, the Star told us that the City's Legal Department released the "Employment Offer."

I knew that Schnurr had released it before the Star did in his BLOG. Naturally, from what was written, I assumed that the Star received something directly from the City.

Being curious, I searched under the name "Skorobohacz" and here is what I saw [Note, in all of the images, I have deleted the irrelevant sections for easier viewing]

The reference was to Schnurr's Blogsite.

So I clicked on the PFD link on the top right corner of the Star story and was taken here, again to Schnurr's Blogsite

What could I assume other than Schnurr had a new job. With the City. And with the Legal Department in particular. After all, Chris had Blogged before about "Black letter law" so who could be more qualified!

Accordingly, I called Chris to congratulate him but was taken aback when he said that he did not have a new job and was happy where he was! He still would be Blogging.

Ohhhhhh, I get it now. The Star must have thought that the document came from the Legal Department because of the notation on the fax and that it is why they said what they did. That was the Department that sent out the Fax back in 2004. Schnurr must have received it from Council Services since that Department date-stamped it on September 17, 2009.

Imagine, the Star was scooped by a Blogger on such a key document!

Oh, it's Thursday by the you wonder where the Star Editorial is on the payment to the CAO and how it ties into Councillor Dilkens' Motion? I sure do!

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