Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I Do But Did We

The Emmy Awards took place the other night. If things work out as I hope they will, this local boy may take the highest honour next year at the awards ceremony!

If my BLOGs do not come out in time over the next few weeks and if I do not post one on the odd day, please forgive me in advance.

I am in the midst of negotiating a major deal for a Sitcom with a huge US TV network which must remain nameless at this time and I have to write a few script outlines. I would be the creative consultant and Executive Producer of the series and would help in the writing.

I expect actually to be flown to beautiful Downtown Burbank soon on the Network's private jet (unfortunately out of Metro, not YQG) to discuss everything with the Network head honchos. Kind of like that Seinfeld show.

I don't ask much from my readers but perhaps just this once you, dear reader, might help me out with some ideas for a 30 minute show.

Oh, it would help if I told you what the Sitcom was all about.

Remember after the CUPE strike, I mentioned
  • "I cannot do it all. I am merely a single, lonely Blogger. I'll let the traditional media do some work.

    Go ask around about what happened at the marriage licence office. I heard there may have been some problems there."

I am still trying to track the story down but the thought gave me a wonderful idea.

What if the managers who handled the marriage licence issuance during the Strike messed up? What if the licences were completed improperly? Were the couples legally married at all? Sure the bride and groom said "I Do." But did they according to law?

I am sure that you can now understand where I am going with this thought.

We'll call the show "The Marriage Bureau --Windsor style." And who said I would not help my City gain notoriety!

Each week the show will start off this way:

  • Pickets around City Hall carrying Strike signs
  • A happy couple running to the Licence Bureau, filling in their form and getting a licence (after waiting the mandatory 5 minutes to enter the building)
  • A CUPE worker after the strike discovering that there were problems with the licences
  • A Mayor/managers meeting, with outside consultants who live more than 4-500 KM from Windsor, being held to figure out what to do
  • Finally a Dear sir/madam letter being sent out to the happy couple telling them to retun to City Hall immediately to correct the errors or there could be legal problems.

Each episode would have the post office delivering the letter and we would see what happens next---would the loving couple stay together or would it be the way for them to start all over.

So I need a half dozen or so examples with which to dazzle the network brass. Here are some ideas I had....Can you add a few more:

1) The so-in-love newly married couple return to Windsor after their honeymoon. What was supposed to be uninterrupted marital bliss was actually a disaster, another day at the office. We see the groom ignoring his bride while he was using Skype for phoning customers to handle emergencies, texting over his Blackberry and emailing subordinates with instructions.

Which will come first: family or the job? Is this the chance now to get an anulment and end it all?

2) It's 25 years later and our couple is getting ready for their big 25th Silver wedding anniversary celebration and their renewal of their marriage vows when the letter had been misplaced for all of this time.

Will the party go on or will they refuse to renew their vows? We will watch them as they talk about the ups and downs of their lives together

3) In this episode, we see a flashback to a marriage based on money not love. Years ago our bride passed up the poor man of her dreams for the rich man's son and financial security. Oh they seemingly lived happily together, and had two darling children. The husband was a good and devoted spouse and father. Yet there was always a "longing..."

Of course, our poor man left town broken hearted to go out West on one of Edgar's charter flights and became unbelievably successful. Then, as if by a remarkable co-incidence, the bride saw her old boyfriend just as he returned to his hometown and on the same day she received the Windsor letter!

4) Then there was the "arranged marriage" where the bride was not allowed to marry her true love but only the man her family decided should be the one...Was this a sign from heaven?

Well you get the idea I hope.

Honestly, when I receive the Emmy for best TV program, I will be sure in my acceptance speech to thank all of the little people who helped me become the TV Executive I was always meant to be!

And of course the Mayor and Council for the long strike in the first place if Junior is correct.

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