Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Dwight Saves Kwame

A variation of the title of this BLOG will be the headline in every media outlet in Ontario if the Province of Ontario provides money to Windsor so that it can do the Tunnel deal in Detroit to plug up the hole in Detroit's budget.

I will tell you though that, given what is going on with the Text Messages scandal in Detroit, I can think of a lot harsher headlines that some editors will use, especially if the particular region of the Province has been turned down by the Infrastructure group for a loan for essential LOCAL public services.

Can you imagine not giving money to [INSERT NAME OF REGION IN ONTARIO] so that the Ontario Government can give money to Eddie to funnel to Detroit to help out their financial situation, and at a much lower interest rate than the market would normally charge. Give me a break

Look at page 3 in today's Star and tell me if you are the Minister of Finance, would you provide money to Eddie for his Tunnel boondoggle, one obviously that no other private investor or the Federal Government will do, or would you give the money to hospitals.

Moreover, my suspicion is that Eddie wants substantially more than $75 million which is the amount that Kwame needs. I would think that Eddie would probably be looking for an amount in the range of $176-200M so that the Windsor Tunnel Corp. would be able to pay off its promissory note to the City of Windsor in the amount of $101 million so that Eddie can squander the cash on some more of his entrepreneurial schemes.

Dwight Duncan has already had a near death political experience a number of years ago with his meltdown on CBC television at a Liberal Leadership convention. He's been able to resurrect his political career and is now in the second most important job in Ontario and is one of the key politicians across Canada. Do you really think that he is going to destroy his career for his political opponent in Windsor?

It is time that Council start focusing on the real needs in Windsor and stop this nonsense to boost Eddie's entrepreneurial career at the expense of taxpayers.

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