Tuesday, April 22, 2008

BREAKING BLOGnews: Three Amigos Lump Windsor and Tijuana Together

Here is the comment dealing with the border crossing in their Joint Statement. I am glad to see that the Leaders have finally picked up my "Tijuana" reference from my STOPDRTP days:
  • "Joint Statement by President Bush, President Calderon, Prime Minister Harper - North American Leaders' Summit

    To make our borders smarter and more secure, we are coordinating our long-term infrastructure plans and are taking steps to enhance services, and reduce bottlenecks and congestion at major border crossings. In this regard, we are working to coordinate the efforts of federal agencies to enhance capacity at major border crossing points, such as Detroit-Windsor and San Diego-Tijuana. We are deepening cooperation on the development and application of technology to make our border both smarter and more secure, as well as strengthen trusted traveler and shipper programs. We will seek to allocate resources efficiently so as to avoid unnecessary inspections. We are exploring new customs procedures, such as a more uniform filing procedure, with the aim of reducing transactional costs while enhancing the security of our borders. We are cooperating to install advanced screening equipment at ports of entry to deter and detect the smuggling of nuclear and radiological materials. The United States and Canada are working to finalize a framework agreement to govern cross-border maritime enforcement operations in shared waterways. All of these efforts will help us more effectively facilitate the legal flow of people and goods across our shared borders while addressing threats to our safety. "
If you read this carefully, what is being done is taking steps to improve the flow of traffic. With increased flow, no new capacity is really needed is it?

"Enhanced capacity"---same language as last year! See Wednesday, August 22, 2007. "BLOGEXTRA: SPP Declaration"

Here is exactly what PM Harper said about our border crossing. So do not get too carried away by the Star's headlines:

  • "PRIME MINISTER HARPER: (As translated.) We talked about common stakes for our three countries. President Bush, myself

    -- we have discussed commerce and the advantages that NAFTA brings to our three countries and has been doing for 14 years. We talked about the progress that we made, and we have talked about not only what has been done, but also what needs to be done.

    We concluded that it's essential for the prosperity of our countries to continue this effort. And we have emphasized in particular the border crossing, Windsor-Detroit. It is evident that greater North American cooperation will lead to the creation of jobs, and will allow us to compete in a very effective way to other emerging commercial blocs around the world.

    I also talked about our concern about the thickening of the border between our countries. The Chambers of Commerce of the United States and Canada are concerned about these border issues for several years. And the Council for Competitiveness has also talked about their concern about these border issues.

    It was a great pleasure to come to New Orleans for this summit. And of course, I want to thank President Bush and the population of New Orleans for their great hospitality. And I'm looking forward to see President Calder n who will greet us in Mexico and welcome us to Mexico next year.

    (In English.) President Bush, President Calder n and I have discussed the common issues and challenges facing our three countries. We discussed the importance of cooperation on security and trade and the benefits that NAFTA has produced for each of our three countries over the last 14 years.

    We also talked about the progress we've made and are continuing to make to improve North American security. We agreed that continuing to improve and expand trade is the key to greater prosperity for our peoples, and we are putting special emphasis on the Detroit-Windsor crossing."

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