Monday, April 2, 2007

Where Was Paris Hilton

Or the news stories about John Travolta and Hugh Hefner dining at a very famous restaurant in downtown Windsor?

Scalpers in Windsor should have been concerned. It's not that the police would catch them but that they might get stuck with Wrestlemania tickets!

I happened to see on the CKLW website the other day that the Hilton was having trouble getting rid of their Wrestlemania packages:
  • "Expectations for hotel bookings in Windsor for this weekend's Wrestlemania are falling short. The Hilton Hotel on Riverside Drive says it has sold about 3 packages for the weekend when it was hoping to sell between 20 and 30. Hotel Manager Saleem Jaka says it now is trying to sell the wrestlemania ticket at face value."
Then I got a copy of an email sent out by a City employee to "undisclosed-recipients" with a Convention Bureau email embedded in it whose message was:

  • "Please see the attached files for ticket information for WrestleMania."
There certainly seems to be a lot less excitement in the air than there was with Super Bowl don't you think. I wonder if the hotels will do well at the last minute since I received a copy of this note:
  • "We are not fully booked, I don't think we will sell out. Wrestlemania is not as big as they claimed. I have spoken to all the hotels, nobody is sold out for this event. Hope this helps!"

I just wonder how Gord Orr will explain what we got for our $60,000 sponsorship. Perhaps Council should ask him to justify the expense in this time of restraint. Heck, I did not even see one Sin City story to get Windsor on the front pages again. Look at all the free publicity we missed out on.

Perhaps someone on Council needs to ask the question:

  • Which event is more worthy for Windsor: a sponsorship of the WWE or a sponsorship of Festival Epicure

If only we had that SWAT team of $300K City Hall PR flacks hired that was proposed...why the City would have been "branded" for sure!

I hope the hotels were able to get rid of their excess tickets mind you. I am attaching their flyers.

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