Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Oh Oh, Bridge Company Is Serious

If anyone wanted confirmation that the Bridge Co. is serious about building its enhancement project, the issuance of a PRESS RELEASE is proof.

Off-hand, I cannot recall another one being issued in the years I have been involved in this matter. (Give me a break...I am not going to do research at 6:30 AM!)That along with the 2-page ad in the Star and the public meetings in Windsor and Essex County ought to give some people in Ottawa and Toronto pause for reflection! The Mayor might want to reconsider what he is doing before it is too late as well.

Interesting story in the Star today about the Sandwich meeting. Pretty factual too. Perhaps a new Star reporter perspective on the border file might be refreshing for a change.

No Tax Dollars Needed for Bridge Enhancement Project

Historic Sandwich Town and Southwest Detroit Neighborhoods Preserved

DETROIT, April 17 /PRNewswire/ -- Ambassador Bridge President Dan Stamper used today's U.S. tax deadline as a platform to reinforce his company's position that the Ambassador Bridge enhancement project will require no municipal, federal or provincial funds to bring a new six lane, cable-stayed span to Windsor and Detroit.

The Ambassador Bridge is investing a billion dollars between the new span and the ongoing Gateway highway connections in the United States. This will immediately create 3,700 jobs and restore business confidence in our region. The Ambassador Bridge is privately funded by the Detroit International Bridge Company.

"I wrote out my check last night," said Stamper. "Windsor and Detroit residents should be spending their tax dollars on a variety of important community needs like health and education before they put down their hard- earned money to fund million dollar holes in salt mines one mile west."

During his remarks at a press conference in Detroit today, Stamper also reinforced that the Ambassador Bridge Enhancement Project will preserve Windsor's Sandwich Town and Southwest Detroit neighborhoods.

"The Detroit River International Crossing (DRIC) study put out an inaccurate drawing in 2005 that we have objected to and asked them to correct numerous times," said Stamper. "Their drawing highlighted a 100 acre Windsor plaza for our new span. That is completely false. Because of that false drawing, the people in Sandwich have been unnecessarily alarmed about our project and that has to stop."

The footprint necessary for the Windsor Plaza is 40 acres, exactly the same as it is today. "No additional space will be needed," he reassured Sandwich Town residents.

The Ambassador Bridge is in the process of securing the necessary permits in Canada and the United States to build a new six lane cable-stayed bridge just west of the current Ambassador Bridge.

The Ambassador Bridge is hosting a series of public forums this week in Windsor.

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