Thursday, October 19, 2006

To Read This Blog, Safety Glasses Required

Better watch your eyebrows when reading this BLOG! You may not have any left by the time you are done. Dan Stamper of the Ambassador Bridge has a reputation of saying exactly what is on his mind. And he did.

The Star wrote a story about the Bridge Co. being upset about a report prepared by the City of Detroit Planning commission (Note the Mayor has his own group of planners too. That's how they work over there due to "separation of powers") I went out and got a copy of it and thought it might interest you. [Click on each page to enlarge it for easier reading]

I think the letter is a distinct change of attitude on the part of the Bridge Co. Much more public, much more aggressive and much more willing to hit back at critics. It's a "We're Not Gonna Take It Anymore" attitude probably brought on by their successes in Lansing and Ottawa in getting their position across.

From watching the hearings in Lansing and reading the transcript of the Ottawa hearings, I almost think that Dan had fun hitting back at people who have criticized the Bridge Co. for all of these years. I almost think this letter, and its intensity, is recognition that those who attack them better watch out now when they go public with their criticism.

Facts are such a terrible thing aren't they.

I must admit that I cannot see anyone daring to wrote such a strong letter in Canada. But imagine if someone started doing that here. That would be fun.

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