Wednesday, October 18, 2006

...And I'm Not Going To Take This Anymore!

I saw some of Eddie's campaign signs around his headquarters over the weekend. It said on them "OUR FUTURE STARTS TODAY." Hmmmm I guess we are supposed to forget the last three years of inaction under this Mayor. Or as mayoral candidate David Wonham would say: "Empty words and broken promises!"

Frankly, I have had enough, as should be obvious from what I have written in this BLOGsite over the past year. The arena was the last straw!

I spent a very long time over the past several days researching and compiling as much information as I could respecting the arena and what I found troubled me greatly.

The issue to me is not where should the arena go or even if we should have one or who should build it. No, to me the issue is how my municipal government should be run and its relationship with the people who elected the Mayor and Council.

There are a number of steps that I can take to express my personal outrage. Here is one of them.

NOTICE OF Press Conference

Windsor, Ontario, October 16, 2006


Ed Arditti will be holding a press conference to outline the reasons why he is demanding that the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing refer the entire East End arena matter to the Ontario Municipal Board for investigation and action.

Arditti, a lawyer in Windsor, Ontario will submit a 23 page letter and Report to the Minister outlining in detail a number of troubling matters that he has uncovered. These events took place leading up, during and after the vote to approve the East End project. He states that an immediate investigation is required and that a decision needs to be made whether or not the project should be allowed to move forward. Possible financial prejudice to the citizens of Windsor and to the position of the City must be avoided.

The Letter and Report to the Minister is far-reaching, covering five separate areas of concern.

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