Friday, May 5, 2006

Prospering From A Snub

What more can I say other than remember New Brunswick too! [March 27, 2006 Don't We Ever Learn? Senior Levels Snubbed Again"]

  • "Cash for Pacific Gateway plan in Tuesday's budget
    Star News Services, Saturday, April 29, 2006

    OTTAWA - More than a half-billion dollars is expected in the Conservative government's maiden budget next Tuesday to help British Columbia's overwhelmed ports system and expand trade with booming China.

    Conservative sources say the Tories will make good on a pledge to give the province funds for the Pacific Gateway Initiative, a major coup for beleaguered Trade Minister David Emerson.

    The former Liberal government had planned similar investments, pledging $590 million to open Canada's Pacific region to greater trade and investment, but were voted out of office before much was accomplished. "

Hey I just got a brilliant idea. If David Emerson can switch sides, if Bob Rae can switch sides, if Buzz Hargrove can switch sides, then why shouldn't Brian Masse or Joe Comartin or both join the Conservative Party! It would not be a big jump. Bill C-3 is the most "socialist" piece of legislation I have seen a Canadian Government introduce in a long time!

They would both bargain to get a cabinet position and it would be "a major coup" for the Conservatives bringing them closer to a majority Government. More importantly, at $590 million per switcheroo, we could build a nice tunnel along Talbot Road.

Guys you owe it to us to do it! We won't say bad things. Take the plunge and make an even bigger salary and pension for yourself as Cabinet members. Go out there and get a billion dollars or so for the good of Windsor. Pretty please!

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