A slight blip. A one-day wonder. Open and transparent Government not by having a proper disclosure and discussion but by burying the Legal Department Report on border fees in a Communications Package.
Just as I expected, but for Councillor Halberstadt, not one single Councillor asked a question or made a comment about the fees paid out at the Council meeting last night. Close to $2.5 million paid out by the end of this month after the OMB hearing fees are added in and not a peep. In fact, if it were not for Councillor Halberstadt, and especially his questioning by Joe McParland on Cogeco after the Council meeting, we might not have heard anything about it. Even Patty Handysides on her pre-Council show on CKLW surprisingly did not mention it!
As I thought, the numbers may not be complete. When Councillor Halberstadt asked about other lawyers fees, specifically about Cliff Sutts, he was told there were none. Yet we know that "....Francis said he will discuss the legality of any proposed lease buyout today with Windsor tunnel commission lawyer Cliff Sutts." (Windsor Star 10-21-2005). WTC---I guess that is how they got around it but isn't the Windsor Tunnel Commission a part of the City of Windsor?
Mention was made that the consultant fees disclosed were those paid through Mr. Estrin. Were there others?
The easy way to get meaningful answers is by providing a breakdown. Since a Councillor is in no better position that a citizen to get such information, then it looks like a Council vote is necessary to release it. Want to bet that never happens? When Joe asked Councillor Halberstadt about it, the Councillor pretty much said that no one wanted to do any more.
Where were Councillor Budget and his Budgeteers questioning the amount? Councillor Budget always talks about saving pennies but in an issue involving millions of dollars, he does not say a word, he does not question, he does not ask! He hides. The man elected because he was the Chair of STOPDRTP is invisible.
All those millions for WHAT? Exactly WHAT has been accomplished other than a high price to take the low road of "do nothing, but create frantic activity?"
There were no questions because then the Mayor and Council would have to be accountable for results. And there are none. $1.7 million for nothing. (I have deducted $800,00 for the OMB hearing) $1.7 million wasted on a billion dollar short-term dream that turned into a "starting point" months later after the hard-sell did not work.
The obvious question is are the City's books in that bad a shape that it took so long to obtain this information. Why did Eddie take so many months to release a figure that was already predestined not to have back up?
So many questions...so little time.
A reader with a sense of humour writes:
ReplyDeletePerhaps what is more revealing about council's release of the Estrin/Schwartz costs last night is not the amount of moneys that Windsor taxpayers are spending but that there appears to be an unlimited pot from which these funds can be drawn.
It is incredulous that our elected representatives, save for Councillor Halberstadt, did not speak to the issue. Obviously unlimited and unaccounted moneys used for the Mayor's favourite cause are much more important to this council than a $62,000 grant to keep the doors open for a shelter for disenfranchised women. While this grant was narrowly approved, several coucillors voted against the motion and there was considerable debate on the submission.
Last night - there was no debate. But then again, why should our councillors be concerned. After all, council is just going to send the bill to the province and the feds. Imagine if you can the conversation when the bill is sent.
Mayor Francis: "here's the bill incurred for the Estrin and Schwartz fees in our battle with you"
Feds: "we will need a breakdown in expenses"
Mayor Francis: "sorry, we just can't give you a breakdown"
Feds: "but you want us to pay"
Mayor Francis: "yes, but a breakdown will compromise our stategy against you."
Like the dialogue above, Windsor's Mayor and councillors belong in a comic strip.
A reader writes:
ReplyDeleteThank goodness for the Star which plastered it all across page