Wednesday, August 31, 2005

The Start

So this is blogging!

I thought it might be time for someone to do a bit of a commentary on what is going on in the City of Windsor, Ontario. Since Windsor is effectively a one-newspaper media outlet (the vast majority of the population gets its news from the Windsor Star) and since the Star has strict rules about Guest Columns and Letters to the Editor (and not that much space either), it seemed that a Blog on the Internet might be the way to get one's opinions expressed and spread to others.

So here we are. Let's start off by saying that Windsorites about 18 months ago seemed excited as the results of our civic election brought us a smart, young and energetic Mayor with a different way of looking at politics (He even committed to running for not more than 2 mayoral terms!) and a new Council with 4 new councillors, a 40% change-over. They were determined to be an active city Government whose function was to achieve results while providing open and transparent government.

Have they accomplished what they set out to do? That's what this Blog will be all about: a commentary on Windsor politics from my personal point of view!

Oh and by the way, notwithstanding my 30 minutes of fame on Cable 11's Face-To-Face interview show, I am still just a citizen of Windsor, an Ordinary Joe. Hence, the signature

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