Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Our Border Choice is easy to make

For several weeks, the Ambassador Bridge Company has been running newspaper ads seeking to partner with the City of Windsor and what has the City done, if anything, in response?

It is hardly a surprise that it is still advocating for its Twinned Bridge project at the existing location, even though it has said that it is prepared to build its "Twinned" bridge at Ojibway. From the Bridge Company's perspective, why change your plans to help out a City that refuses to talk to you even though you "own" the vast majority of the vehicular traffic across the border. Why help out a City that helps move businesses to other locations if it wants them to relocate for a Canderel project but ignores you if it wants you to move your truck traffic business out of the City?

Windsor could be a beneficiary of its Port plans in Detroit. However, it appears we do not want economic development either. We have a Sandwich Corporation to promote development in the area and ignore the biggest corporation there. We want an "urban village" downtown and don't talk to a company that knows how to redevelop land.

The reality is simple. The Bridge Company’s 200 booths with projected traffic volumes decreasing means that another crossing will NOT be necessary for many years to come. Security and redundancy, the bogeyman words being used before and after London, can only be solved by "reverse" customs and not building more crossings that are subject to co-ordinated terrorist attacks. The Senior Levels do not have money for a new crossing until after 2010. The never-ending Bi-National process seems to be nothing more than a tool to be used while some try to force the Bridge Company out of business through such tactics as Bill C-44 or by still saying the sky is falling at the border when the Bridge Company solved the short-term problem with 4 booths.

Give the Bridge Company credit: the 200 booth idea out-manoeuvered everyone. Hundreds of millions can be saved since a new bridge will not be needed according to the Bi-national until after 2025 (or perhaps never). It will solve Windsor's problems without costing us a penny. It can all be done on the Michigan side without the need for the costly Bi-national "approval" process.

Windsor has a choice: the new DRTP corridor 6-lane truck expressway extravaganza that may be imposed on us to help out OMERS, the new infrastructure financial partner of the Senior Levels, or working with the Bridge Company for Windsor’s economic development and to have them move their Twin to Ojibway where the City wants it to go!

Isn't the choice an easy one? Why hasn't it been made at City Hall yet?

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