Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Have You Considered This

More stories for your consideration


Just days after the Prime Minister returned to Ottawa after meeting President Obama and Congressional leaders, we read this:
  • "New border patrol boat features high-tech surveillance

    Detroit -- The U.S. Customs and Border Protection today unveiled what could be its newest weapon in fighting the smuggling of drugs, weapons, goods and illegal immigrants across the Detroit River and other coastal borders.

    The 43-foot boat, a prototype that's in the testing stages, can hit speeds of 75 mph (65 knots) and is loaded with high-tech features such as a camera that can see a mile away at night.

    The Advanced Concept Technology Demonstrator vessel is being tested in various waters around the United States and has been in Detroit for more than two weeks.

    The boat's high speed could be particularly effective in the Detroit area, said Thomas Norton, director of Customs and Border Protection's National Marine Center.

    "You've got relatively short distances between countries, so you've got to be able to react quickly," he said."

That boat and drones should deliver a message to Stephen from Barack and Janet!


This will be nasty but it is how I feel.

How lovely that our Government apologized:

  • "Health Canada apologizes for sending body bags

    Anticipating an H1N1 outbreak later on in the year, Health Canada shipped H1N1 kits to Northern Manitoba First Nations. Body bags were included as part of the shipment to some of the communities. The H1N1 kits also included facemasks and hand sanitizer.

    First Nation Chiefs in northern Manitoba are outraged. They believe that this delivery of body bags has sent a horrifying message to their communities...

    In a Sept. 17 press release, Health Canada apologized for the incident saying that it was an error and that they regret the alarm that it has caused any First Nation communities."

Now could some of these lovely Government people and their sycophants apologize to Canadians for the military body bags of soldiers killed in Afhganistan to build a DRIC bridge:

  • "He said Mr. Harper could leverage dearly bought political capital on Afghanistan to push for border infrastructure investments to ease trade: " Then he may have a more willing partner."

    The trick is to use alliances on global concerns to open doors for bilateral ones."


Pension funds like OMERS don't have to worry all that much about stock market crashes, private equity melt-downs and mortgage foeclosures.

  • "Public pension funds hard hit by downturn but still solid, says DBRS

    Low leverage, superior liquidity positions and strong sponsorship support credit ratings

    Public pension plans and asset managers have been rocked by poor returns, but their credit ratings remain strong, DBRS Ltd. said Monday.

    Pension plans rated by DBRS include the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec, Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan Board, OMERS Administration Corp. and Public Sector Pension Investment Board --

    According to new research from the credit rating agency, while the public pension funds and asset managers it rates “have been adversely affected by the challenging economic environment that prevailed in 2008 and into 2009”, they remain solid credits. DBRS points to several factors that support their high credit ratings, including low leverage, superior liquidity positions and strong sponsorship, along with large asset bases."

    DBRS notes that the funds and mangers it rates were certainly hurt by the financial market turmoil, reporting returns of -15% to -25% in the last fiscal year. “The poor investment performance had the effect of significantly shrinking their asset base and eroding their funding position, suggesting that the risk level in certain portfolios may have been higher than originally measured."

DUH, when they have taxpayers' wallets to back any shortfall---remember the tax chaos caused to municipalities and their taxpayers when OMERS lost $600M---they have little to be concerned about.


Remember this remark from Edgar when the Bridge Company wanted to manage the US half of the Tunnel:

  • "Fearing that billionaire Ambassador Bridge owner Matty Moroun was poised to gain a stranglehold on Windsor's two border crossings, the City of Windsor has entered into a US$75-million agreement with Detroit to take full control of the Windsor-Detroit tunnel...

    "If someone acquired the other half they could fill it up with cement and our investment would be lost," Francis said. "It's in the best interests of our citizens to protect this asset and ensure control of the tunnel remains in the hands of the public."

Looking at all of the border crossings between Canada and the US, which party has blocked a crossing? Is it the Bridge Company? Hardly, why would they put money in and then destroy their investment?

Nope. Here is the answer:

  • "Dispute shuts border

    Police in eastern Ontario shut down a border crossing to the United States that traverses the Akwesasne Mohawk Reserve on Cornwall Island for several hours this weekend in the latest confrontation in an ongoing border dispute.

    The closure Saturday appeared to be the result of a dispute over the Mohawks' obligations to report to Canadian customs.

    The crossing over the Seaway International Bridge was closed shortly after noon at the request of the Akwesasne Mohawk police, said Cornwall police Staff Sgt. Pierre Pilon. It reopened at about 5:40 p.m. local time after discussions between Akwesasne Mohawk leaders and Canada Border Services Agency officials."

It's not the first time the Government has closed down the crossing:

  • "Border reopened at Cornwall

    OTTAWA --

    The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) announced Sunday that it will open a temporary border post in the eastern Ontario city of Cornwall as of 6 a.m. Monday.

    The regular border crossing on Cornwall Island, which is part of the Akwesasne Mohawk reserve, has been shut since May 31. The agency ordered it closed amid unspecified threats from members of the Mohawk community who vowed not to allow the scheduled arming of border guards on June 1 on native land.

    "At this time the existing CBSA facility on Cornwall Island remains closed," said a statement issued Sunday by the CBSA. "The CBSA will only reopen its facility when border services officers can work there safely with all of the tools they need to do their job, including their duty firearm. The CBSA is committed to continuing talks with the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne in order to resolve the situation."


Forgive and forget. Here is what Craig Pearson wrote in the Star:

  • "I guess it’s because I felt glad Francis signed the proclamation [for Gary Parent Day]. He showed class.

    He showed recognition that Parent, despite whether you support unions or not, has pitched in for Windsor time and time again.

    And above all, Francis showed by example like a true leader that after one of the most divisive strikes in this city’s history, we can move on."

Uh, no Craig. Is your memory that bad or do you think ours is? A few lines above you wrote:

  • "I signed it,” the mayor later said. “I was just doing my job.”

Hardly the class act being portrayed is it!


Wow, was this guy ever the wrong one to bring into a conference in Windsor. He just smashed several of our future dreams. What a nerve to speak realistically:

  • "A leading Canadian futurist questions whether Windsor and Essex County will see much benefit from a proposed high-speed rail line and marketing itself as a retirement haven.

    Both ideas have potential but capitalizing on them won't be easy, said Richard Worzel, who on Friday spoke to the annual meeting of the Southwest Economic Alliance.

    The Essex area's decision to rebrand itself as the 100-Mile Coast in an attempt to attract retirees is "a good idea, but that doesn't mean it will be easy to do," said Worzel.

    "Somehow the region has to differentiate itself from the other areas all seeking to attract the same demographic.

    "They're all hitting the same themes of livability, desirability and affordability and somehow there has to be a way to separate yourself from the pack," he said.

    Worzel also questioned the economic feasibility of a high-speed rail line between Quebec and Windsor, suggesting that construction of a Windsor-Toronto corridor would be heavily dependent upon a similar corridor being built between Detroit and Chicago.

    "It's proven technology in Europe and links many cities, but it requires high-density population centres to make it feasible economically," said Worzel. "I could see it running from Montreal to Toronto but even then, I'm not sure the political will exists to build it."

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