Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Life is not always sweet and rosy in order to get information for you, dear reader. Sometimes one has to be a bit direct in order not to let people push you around.

It seems that there are some really scared people on the border file who do not want certain facts brought out that might damage their position or rather, would confirm the weakness of it.

Accordingly, I have had to be unusually, and uncharacteristically for me if I might say, mean and nasty over the last few days as you will note:


  • ----- Original Message -----
    From: Ed Arditti
    To: pat.welsh
    Cc: Mark Butler
    Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 3:22 PM
    Subject: RFP T8080-08-0040

    Here is the language below in red that I am asking for. Presumably the Department knows what that means since they asked for it and it seems that PRP International may have produced some records previously. If there are such records, I would like to see them. Perhaps you could let me know if there is a small volume or the 15 boxes.

    In the end, I do not want 15 boxes copied if that is how many there are. Rather, let me know what I can see and I will only ask for copies of documents that interest me to keep costs down. I have done this before on FOI files where the Institution gives me the documents at their location to review and I mark what I want for copying

  • ----- Original Message -----
    From: Ed Arditti
    To: pat.welsh
    Cc: Mark Butler
    Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2009 5:05 PM
    Subject: Re: RFP T8080-08-0040

    Further to our recent telephone call, since there are only 2 reports that are relevant it would seem, one in 2008 and one in 2009, I assume that you will be able to do your due diligence on them and forward them to me within the next 2 weeks

    Ed Arditti

  • From: Ed Arditti
    Sent: Friday, April 17, 2009 12:17 PM
    To: Welsh, Pat
    Cc: Butler, Mark
    Subject: Re: RFP T8080-08-0040
    Importance: High

    I am disappointed that I received no response to this email from you and more importantly no reports.

    Is there a reason for this stalling?

    Ed Arditti

  • ----- Original Message -----
    From: Welsh, Pat
    To: Ed Arditti
    Sent: Monday, April 20, 2009 1:59 PM
    Subject: RE: RFP T8080-08-0040

    Good afternoon, my apologies as I have been out of the office since April 3rd, I will verify the file and call you tomorrow, thanks

  • From: Ed Arditti
    Sent: Sunday, May 03, 2009 4:34 PM
    To: Butler, Mark; Welsh, Pat;
    Cc: Laurent, Réginald;;;
    Subject: Re: RFP T8080-08-0040---Information Commissioner complaint
    Importance: High

    I have still not received a telephone call nor the records requested.

    I have not complained before because I assumed that you were acting in good faith to provide me with the requested information. Your failure to do so can only lead me to the conclusion that your Department is deliberately hiding relevant information since it may prejudice your Department's position by demonstrating that there is a lack of traffic to support a DRIC Bridge in Windsor, Ontario.

    Your Department is now in breach of the Access To Information Act.

    I intend to BLOG your Department's deliberate actions in violation of my right to obtain access to the documents requested.

    By a copy of this email I hereby as well make a formal complaint to the Information Commissioner

  • ----- Original Message -----
    From: Laurent, Réginald
    To: Ed Arditti ; Butler, Mark ; Welsh, Pat
    Sent: Monday, May 04, 2009 4:53 PM
    Subject: RE: RFP T8080-08-0040---Information Commissioner complaint

    Dear Mr. Arditti,

    This is further to our telephone conversation earlier this morning in response to your email in which you allege that Transport Canada is not being forthcoming with a response to your Access to Information request. .

    I would like to reiterate that Transport Canada is committed to the principles of openness and full transparency as set forth in various legislations and policies of the Government of Canada including the Access of Information Act. It is unfortunate that delays in responding to your request lead you to infer that the Department is withholding releasable information from you. This is simply not the case.

    As you are aware, the access to information process can be very complex depending on several factors. Please be assured that we are treating your request with the utmost consideration and are doing whatever possible to provide you with a reply with all information that you are entitled to obtain in accordance to the provisions of the Access to Information Act, as soon as possible.


    Réginald Laurent
    Director, ATIP
    Transport Canada

  • ----- Original Message -----
    From: Ed Arditti
    To: Laurent, Réginald
    Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2009 4:57 PM
    Subject: Re: RFP T8080-08-0040---Information Commissioner complaint

    I thought you were holding a meeting yesterday about my request.

    I regret I have heard nothing further from you about when I am to receive the records.

  • ----- Original Message -----
    From: reginald.laurent
    To: ed arditti
    Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2009 5:14 PM
    Subject: RE: RFP T8080-08-0040---Information Commissioner complaint
    Dear Mr. Arditti,

    ATIP division finished its review and the release package is in the sign off stage;
    we are proceeding as fast as we can



  • ----- Original Message -----
    From: Ed Arditti
    To: Mark Butler
    Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2009 2:11 PM
    Subject: Please provide me with a copy of Baird's speech today
    Ed Arditti

  • ----- Original Message -----
    From: Ed Arditti
    Cc: Mark Butler ; ;
    Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2009 5:19 PM
    Subject: Your Department's discriminatory tactics

    I am a Blogger in Windsor, Ontario accredited by your Department.

    I note that the Minister delivered a speech in Windsor, Ontario today but that I was not provided with an advance copy of it while at least one American journalist, JOHN GALLAGHER was:

    "Baird’s prepared remarks, supplied in advance to the [Detroit] Free Press, said"

    I would like a copy of that speech forwarded to me forthwith. I asked for a copy of it from your spokesperson in Windsor at 2:11 PM but still have received nothing.

    I would also like to know why the Department has discriminated against me and put me at a competitive disadvantage!

    I assume that this failure to provide the speech to me is a continuation of your Department's clear policy to convince Americans that they should not support the Ambassador Bridge Company's project. I assume that your policy is also designed to prevent those who have any familiarity about the subject from being able to report and comment in a timely fashion to what the Minister has said..

    Ed Arditti BA, LL.B, LL.M

  • ----- Original Message -----
    From: Ed Arditti
    To: Day, Chris
    Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2009 6:11 PM
    Subject: Re: Your Department's discriminatory tactics

    And where is the speech????


  • ----- Original Message -----
    From: Ed Arditti
    Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2009 4:58 PM
    Subject: Request for documents

    Please provide me with the following:

    ---all records exchanged between your Department and other Ontario and Canadian Government Departments, the City of Windsor and the Mayor's Office in relation to the City of Windsor's actual and proposed infrastructure projects respecting the Government's infrastructure program over the last six months ending May 6, 2009 and continuing.

    ---all records exchanged amongst your Department and MP Jeff Watson relating to proposed and actual infrastructure projects of the City of Windsor, in relation to the Government's infrastructure program over the last six months ending May 6. 2009 and continuing especially all records from Minister Baird's office and that of the Prime Minister and from those who provided the information so that the Star could quote:
    --"Watson practically guaranteeing Ottawa's approval should Windsor submit a marina-canal application"

    --"He said his reason for wanting to meet with the local politicians Friday was to point out that more than half of a preliminary list of Windsor projects submitted Wednesday -- $96 million of a $182 million total -- were "questionable" in terms of meeting Ottawa's funding approval criteria"

    --Watson said, adding Windsor could expect to receive approval for at least $150 million in stimulus project approval."

    I assume that you will provide these documents voluntarily. If not, I will file an Access to Information Request.

    Please advise me of your Department's position forthwith

    Ed Arditti

  • ----- Original Message -----
    From: Laurent, Réginald
    To: Ed Arditti
    Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2009 5:30 PM
    Subject: RE: Request for documents

    Dear Mr. Arditti,

    The documents you are requesting should be subject of an Access to Information Request.

    Thank you

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