Tuesday, November 4, 2008

More And More Stories

More stories of interest that you may not have seen.


At least he was able to speak to the Prime Minister one-on-one when Harper came down here. Hmmm I wonder what he told him about Windsor. Perhaps Spike is the one responsible for all of that money going to Ford!

However, I have an important question to ask. Who was the photographer who took thes pics of Spike! Competition eh!

Spike is working on a new book. Make sure you buy it when it comes out.


There are many BLOGGERs in town. Each of us has our own interests that we write about. No one has the time to write about everything that goes on in this City. That is why you, dear reader, ought to be reading the other BLOGs in this City as well as this one. There is so much research effort and insight that we Bloggers are able to put into our work that it is worthwhile spending a few minutes each day reading what is written elsewhere.

A good example is a BLOG about the proposed Windsor jail.

One of the BLOGs that I have mentioned periodically is that run by the Mayor of Monmouth. If you will recall, he is the one that Councillor Bristling Brister told to spend his time doing charitable work rather than writing his BLOG.

In passing, the Bristling Councillor Brister needs to learn to stop attacking residents. It is not good for his political health. He did so the other day when some users of the East End Arena facility of which he is the Chair dared complain about its lack of amenities, something which had been known for years already:

  • “The chairman of the arena construction steering committee bristled at the criticism Tuesday and believes recent stories in The Star misrepresent or overstated the problems.

    "Clearly from residents I spoke to, they didn't have negative feelings with respect to the facility and were prompted (by The Star)," said Coun. Dave Brister.

We all know that the Councillor has a huge circle of residents with whom he speaks. Roseann Danese of the Star blogged:

  • “Apparently Coun. Dave Brister knows everyone in Windsor — all 200,000 folks who live in the city of roses.

    How else to explain the odd comment made at Monday’s council meeting, as the Ward 1 councillor bragged about the amount of time council met behind closed doors…

    Brister said all the criticism directed at council over the last year about secret deals and secret meetings has only been an issue for two or three people in the community — “two or three people out of (a) 200,000 population.”

    Geez, some council watchers are wondering whether Brister has a superhuman way of accounting for every single Windsorite and where they stand on the issue.”

In truth, the Councillor must have a very small circle of residents for him to make some of the remarks that he has. Mind you, he is terrified of letting the vast majority of Windsorites hear him speak since he still refuses to appear on John Fairley's Face-To-Face Interview program. Imagine if the Councillor formerly known as Councillor Budget was asked about some of his comments by John and to explain them. His answers would be a hoot!

However, I digress. If you want to know everything there is to know as of this date about the jail matter then you need to go to this site immediately:

This whole jail file is very confusing to me. I really did not have a very good handle on it until I read this BLOG by the Mayor of Monmouth. Here is how he starts. You ought to read the rest to get his perspective so you can decide what is going on:

  • “The new jail is not in or near the big box development on Walker Road. It is not close to South Windsor and it is not on the corner of Provincial Rd. and Walker. For the record, the new South West Detention Centre will be on the Eighth Concession just north of the 401. It will be in the middle of what is now a farm field. In fact, it will be completely surrounded by corn fields save for a couple of farm houses, a soccer field and the 401. Walker road is not even visible from this location. The distance from what will be the front doors of the new detention center to the intersection of Walker Road and Provincial is 2.2 kilometers. To Hooters it’s 2.8 kms. Hardly worth ruining a good shopping spree.

    There is good speculation as to why the Mayor and his well trained media entourage went out of their way to trigger a stampede of concerned citizens.”

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