Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Thinking Delray HUGE

Here they are together again. The guys who tried to stick the University's Engineering Complex downtown have joined forces again and are trying to stick it to us downtown one more time.

That's right folks, Mayor Eddie Francis, University Chair Dave Cooke and WFCU Head Marty Komsa are presenting us today with a concept that one can only say is breathtaking, visionary and designed to make the City of Windsor the leading jewel and the symbol for massive redevelopment and economic rejuvenation on the Great Lakes.

What else can one say! What else can one dare say and not get run out of town as being small-minded.

No wonder the "Chinatown" story got such great coverage---five-storey, three-to-four-star hotel, commercial-retail, four-storey office building and a fast- food district. No wonder Monday night at Council will see an Agenda Item "Museum Development Feasibility Study Process." It all ties in so well together.

Those “sneering” naysayers, not just mere naysayers anymore, will try attack this dream. We “individuals with vision” will again have to fight to protect the riverfront. Unfortunately, it seems that Mike Hurst was really not one of us even though, previously, everyone seems to have given him credit for a good part of what was done on the river. His name was not mentioned by Gord. He is now officially a non-person in Windsor. Do not dare recall his plans for the downtown.

Oh I know that people will “spew bile” to mock the concept. Mind you, they are not hiding in the weeds to do so; it’s just that the Parks Department has been unable to cut the grass around the City. You see, they are too busy fixing up Dougall Avenue for tourists, forgetting that the Highway 401 exit has been closed so they cannot take advantage of seeing what $900,000 can do to beautify our entranceways.

You thought I was kidding about the "Get Eddie" posse of whining and naysaying Reporters at the Windsor Star. Henderson confirmed it! Who were the first to make “howls of protest?” None other than several of his scoffing co-workers.

No wonder things are so bad when reporters from the only major media outlet in town are “jeering.” No wonder people in this City are so negative and cannot see what the Three Gondoliers would have achieved if only they were listened to about the University going downtown. Those reporters are warping our minds. Fortunately, as usual, Gord got first crack at the story to brainwash errrrrr persuade us otherwise.

This is no gamble with logical, Casino-man, Dave Cooke around. I told you as well about the rumours about him running for Mayor which were again confirmed today by Gordon in black-and-white. I wished that Gord had told us who was really promoting him so that Bill Marra would decide not to run for Mayor because his chances would be hopeless.

I mean after all, Eddie may have to run now for a third term to bring this THINK GIGANTIC dream to fruition. My recollection was that Eddie said no money would be available until 2011 for the University Complex. By the time that the feasibility study is completed by Mr. Cooke and we have conversations about the concept, it will be time for the next election don’t you think. What a platform to run on.

I can see a whole bunch of developers rushing right in. Mr. Fahri should be pleased because it is right next door to his piece of property. Chuck Mady ought to see the opportunity for putting in a Seniors' Complex as shown on the artist's sketch (There have to be more of those pictures for $10,000!) because he’s building one already in Windsor. This would be a natural for the Mikhail brothers and David Petretta so they will not fight trying to get a bank building downtown. I wonder who’s going to come up with the idea of moving the Windsor Housing units to the area so that the new City Hall can be built after the Barn is also torn down.

I really loved the idea of the water ferry taxi service between the Windsor and Detroit. I guess that is Gregg Ward’s new career after the DRIC bridge is built and puts him out of business since it will allow vehicles with hazardous goods to cross over.

Yes, nothing like spending $75 million to take over the Detroit side of the Tunnel and then take away business from the Tunnel with a ferry service. That is clear thinking.

I was very interested in this comment in the news story towards the end:
  • "The city is not getting involved with any of the developments," he said. "The city will be doing what we should be -- investing in infrastructure. By doing this, we give the city a chance to do bigger and better things."

That's terrific. Let us spend taxpayer money to make others richer. Just like building roads and bridges at the Arena. By 2011, we will have gobs of money for infrastructure. Think of the money we were supposed to have had for the Unviersity Complex or the Eddie $100m Investment fund. Heck, there is always another capital levy on citzens that the Mayor can impose.

If only Eddie had followed his campaign promise of a public/private partnership for an arena downtown to be the anchor for this development, we would have more than $50M available today since we would not have had to pay $65M and counting for the City, 100%-owned, East End arena. Sigh, that's water under the bridge and in the canal now.

All of a sudden, it hit me. I knew what this was. It was Delray, Michigan all over again. Eddie learned from US DRIC and our across the river neighbours where the new DRIC bridge is supposedly going. What great opportunitites they were going to have after hundreds of families and businesses are moved out. I remembered seeing the boards of artists’ renditions prepared by US DRIC over there with all the parklands and canals and golf courses and magnificent homes.

I also remembered reading:

  • “"C. Another community member asked about the surrounding neighborhoods and revitalization of those neighborhoods.

    R. Joe Corradino spoke about the conceptual plans to revitalize the area. He noted such plans need a partnership among government agencies and the private sector to succeed.

    C. Bob Benson noted revitalization of the community is not MDOT’s responsibility. MDOT will make recommendations; it will be someone else’s responsibility to implement those plans. Some people may have the impression that MDOT is going to lead the revitalization of the area.

    R. Mohammed Alghurabi noted MDOT is responsible for the DRIC study. And MDOT will be responsible to build the new bridge, plaza and interchange, if the project is approved. He noted MDOT will need partners to revitalize Delray.

    Q. What will it take to implement the conceptual land use plan for Delray that the DRIC Study Team proposed?

    A. It will take a partnership among many units of government, including the City of Detroit, and the private sector. MDOT and the Federal Highway Administration can serve as a catalyst and make some but not all the investments. And, the DRIC Study Team believes it will take 20 to 25 years to fully revitalize Delray as portrayed in the conceptual land use plans.

    Q. Are there funds allocated/budgeted to make the plan a reality?

    A. No. Action on the plan, even by MDOT and FHWA, requires that it be approved. That is not scheduled to happen, if it happens, until the latter part of 2008."

Are we being played for fools as with Greenlink and the DRIC Road drawings? Or is this the first shot for the demand for Eddie to back off on Greenlink and to sell Brighton Beach? Money for canals and the Tunnel as starters.

Come on Gord, stop thinking so small. If we are going to THINK PREPOSTEROUS, stop comparing us with Fort Lauderdale, Oklahoma City, or San Antonio. It is time to start thinking world-class.

This is Windsor: the soon to be Venice of the Americas.

O sole mio to you too!

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