Thursday, June 5, 2008

Construction Association Finally Goes Public

It's nice to see the Windsor Construction Association getting involved in border file finally and so publicly. After all, their members and employees will be the prime beneficiaries of a lot of the jobs that will be created when the road to the border is finally started. And if you add in the jobs that will be created with the Enhancement Project, this City will be able to tide itself over for a number of years until we are able to diversify our economy.

I saw their ad in the Saturday Star and frankly am surprised that it appears that the media has not picked up on this yet. It seems that the Association still might be a little bit shy in letting people know that they are taking such a strong public position.

Are you surprised that they are taking the side of DRIC rather than that of the City and its Greenlink project? Given their relatively weak position with respect to the East End Arena I am surprised but I give them credit for finally understanding that things aren't getting any better in this City and they had better do something quickly. At least they are realistic and have not bought into the stall dream of the Mayor and Council.

It will be interesting to see what other groups come out in favor of DRIC and what impact it will have on the Councillors. Note that I referred to Councillors only. Until they decide to put the Mayor in his place or until the Senior Levels say that they have had enough, nothing will get done.

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