Monday, January 7, 2008

What Will Councillor Brister Do Tonight

It is going to be a tough night for the Councillor formerly known as Councillor Budget at the Council meeting.

It is common gossip amongst a number of his colleagues that he is going to run for mayor, or at least he hopes to do so, once Eddie chooses to leave office. There is no doubt that he must be hoping for an endorsement by the Mayor if he does. After all, why would he be that foolish to take on the role as guardian of the taxpayers in the East end arena file but to curry favour with the Mayor. He hasn't figured out yet that he will become the Mayor's scapegoat when the costs go wild since he is basking in the praise of the famous Windsor Star columnist who keeps mentioning his role.

The fun tonight will be the clash between him and his Ward 1 colleague, Councillor Dilkens. Drew has been getting much too much favourable publicity over the Dougall Avenue matter including mention in two of the national trucking publications.

It seems that Drew has captured the attention of his Ward 1 constituents and that he has received a very high approval rating for what he is suggesting. This builds on his Motion for openness. That can't be good for his Wardmate who wants to be Mayor when he has had scooped out from under him the issue that got him elected in the first place: a border road.

What will Councillor Brister do? Will he go along with what Drew suggests? Will he oppose it? Will he come up with his own alternative?

Just watch the sparks.

Oh, it should also be interesting to see what Councillor Brister does with respect to the request to pre-funding a number of agencies in the City. Does he go along with it or does he demand that the amounts be reduced or what? He of course will have to be the main speaker on this matter since he plays the role of Penny-pincher on Council.

The big fight will clearly be over the "arts" contributions and that of the Library.

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