Monday, December 11, 2006

BLOGexclusive---Secret DRIC Tunnel Tape

The Mayor's blood better stop boiling so hard or else he may injure himself. We do not want him steaming mad!

Why do you think the DRIC costs are so high? It's not because of the fact that so many consultants have been hired to do so many things for so many years. No, money was spent for a much more important purpose which will be revealed first on this BLOGsite.

My inside mole, at great personal risk, was able to obtain the secret video tape taken of a tunnel that the DRIC people built in a secret location overseas to test out what building a tunnel in Windsor would be like. Apparetnly a number of laid off union workers were hired and told to pretend that they were driving as if they were leaving their plant to go home.

Here is that video!

The Mayor alleged:

  • "Mayor Eddie Francis has accused a binational commission of hiding potential impacts of a new border superhighway in Windsor while plotting to impose a cheap solution to fix this city's truck traffic problems."

He is wrong! Eddie should know better and may have to offer an apology to the DRIC people after he views this BLOGsite today.

I was told by my mole that Henderson was wrong as well when he said:

  • "Imagine the contempt in that room. Imagine the patronizing attitude that would have led them to believe we're such gullible simpletons down here in Hooterville that we could be slapped into line with big, scary construction numbers for a tunnelled route and head-scratching air testing results."

It was not the big, scary numbers that concerned them but the big, scary Windsor drivers. You know what I mean like the ones who run red lights or who don't signal or who think that 50 means 50 MPH.

I am told that there were meetings at the highest level to dream up excuses to kill the tunnel solution. Windsorites had to be protected from themselves!

PS If you have any trouble seeing the video, go to

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