Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Unfair Blog Competition

It may be over now. Finished. Done. Kaput! It's a City Hall plot, that's what it is!

The Blogmeister has worked diligently over the past year to uncover the real story behind the headlines to keep you informed and aware.

Notwithstanding the huge number of in camera sessions, you, dear reader, have been privy to some of the deep, dark secrets that City Hall did not want you to know about. You have been able to read in this BLOGsite materials that never saw the light of day in the traditional media. How many stories have been revealed here first?

But now I have competition, unfair competition, if I may be so rude. It is bad enough that I have to compete against the resources of the mighty Windsor Star, now I have to compete against an insider---Councillor Alan Halberstadt.

The good Councillor has decided that as part of his election website, he is going to do a BLOG. Now I don't mind if he does a BLOG about his campaign experiences but about City politics. Come on now, play fair GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

How can I compete against a guy who has the inside stuff? I speculate, he tells what is really going on. I phone around begging for a favour, he has it handed to him on a silver platter by Administration. I have to figure out what the Mayor or a Councillor really means, he just uses his Blackberry and finds out immediately.

Seriously, I welcome Alan to the world of the Blogosphere. The more we learn about the City the better for us all. I would hope that others follow suit. We need some true competition to the only newspaper in town after all as you shall soon discover! I still have a scoop or two up my sleeve!

Oh yes, I suppose I should give you his Web address. He's got some stuff on there that is very interesting and potentially of great significance. Reluctantly mind you www.votealan2006.com

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